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Trump Is the World’s Worst Dictator

Dictators crave power. President Donald Trump is using his power to give Americans more freedom. That’s a massive difference.

Desperate to find an effective attack against Trump, some Democrats are recycling an old one. They claim he’s an authoritarian. Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., invited laid-off federal workers to attend Trump’s recent speech to Congress. She said she was standing “shoulder to shoulder with people in defiance to a dictator.” That type of defiance led Democrats to callously withhold applause from a 13-year-old brain-cancer survivor simply because Trump introduced him. Shameful.

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently called Trump a “petty tyrant.”

The Associated Press claimed that Trump “has embarked on a dizzying teardown of the federal government and attacks on long-standing institutions in an attempt to…

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