Red state

Trump Just Nuked One Advantage Biden Did Have in Campaign – RedState

Joe Biden has had a cash advantage in the 2024 race. It’s one of the few advantages in the race he could hang his hat on in his battle with former President Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden’s campaign and the DNC raised $85 million in donations in May, which is a lot of money — his second-best fundraising month. (It’s hard to believe that anyone would be giving a dollar to him much less all of that, given what a failure he’s been.) 

If that sounds like a lot, Trump and the RNC made Biden look like a piker, taking in more than $141 million in May, far more than Biden, in part because of the crush of donations after the ridiculous verdict against him in New York. He got a ton from both big and small donors. 

Politico noted the fundraising spike may even have been even greater, “considering that doesn’t include unitemized donations of less than $200 or any donations that the joint…

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