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Trump raised millions in the hours after he was indicted

Unless you get all of your news from MSNBC and some (though not all) of the people at CNN, you’ve already seen what a walking disaster the case being brought against former President Donald Trump is shaping up to be. Legal experts from both the left and the right have opined that the “zombie case” would have virtually no chance of moving forward and obtaining a conviction anywhere outside of a Manhattan courtroom and it may not even survive there. Even the editorial board of the Washington Post was forced to concede that the case looked totally dodgy. However, the intention on the part of District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his supporters was clear. This was never about any sort of violation of the law. The intention was to derail Trump from running for and possibly winning the presidency. So how is that working out for them? Well, a lot of Americans responded, but not in the way the liberal mob probably hoped. Trump raised more than four million dollars in the first 24 hours after the indictment was announced. (NY Post)Read More 

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