Remember back in 2015 and 2016, at least until it looked like Trump might win?
In those halcyon days, the media LOVED Donald Trump because, among other things, he wouldn’t shut up. The camera loved him, and he was endlessly fascinating. They may not have liked what he said, but he provided them with endless fodder for coverage and debate.
The hate really didn’t come until he became the nominee, and he went from being entertaining to the Republican nominee and hence became a real threat. Once that happened, he had to be destroyed.
Even once he became President, the “news” world revolved around Trump, although as an object of hatred and scorn. Still, he was great for business, and he still wouldn’t shut up. Whatever Trump thought, he would say–even the most random puff of a fleeting idea.
He didn’t always distinguish between his “negotiation-speak” and…