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Trump Sparks Reactions With Introduction of Gold Trump Sneakers – RedState

My grandson collects sneakers. Apparently, this is a thing; over my life, I’ve known people who collect everything from beer cans to bottle caps to Lego kits, so sneakers aren’t really a surprise. The boy takes his hobby seriously. He goes to sneaker conventions (yes, really) and is always on the lookout for something new, rare, or unusual; he dickers trades with other collectors and keeps his collection proudly displayed on shelves in his room.

This brings us to Donald Trump, his appearance at Philadelphia’s “Sneaker Con” on Saturday, and his introduction (to a mixed response) of his newest enterprise – Trump sneakers.

Go, capitalism!

Former President Donald Trump traveled over the weekend to Pennsylvania, where he was greeted at Sneaker Con with mixed and emotional reactions from those in attendance.

Trump’s surprise appearance at the event — known as “The Greatest Sneaker Show On…

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