Hot Air

Trump Trolls Trudeau And It Is Glorious – HotAir

Canadians are famous for being excessively polite. 

Not in the British way, where the snobbish Brit praises you lavishly and insincerely as he guts you with an actual or rhetorical knife. No, the Canadian version of politeness we all know and love is that of the beta who wants to be well-liked while not getting too much attention. 

For all his faults, Justin Trudeau has never suffered from being excessively shy or ostentatiously polite. Unlike the stereotypical Canadian, he is a showboating narcissist who appears to believe that he stands above all in virtue. 

I’m pretty sure I would be annoyed if Trump trolled the excessively polite Canadian–it would seem to be too much like punching down. A bit unfair. And I like most Canadians, even though they have a chip on their shoulder about their proximity to the far superior United States. 

But trolling Justin…

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