News Busters

Trump Win Will Lead to ‘Camps,’ Pelosi and Schiff Headed to Jail

Tim Hains at Real Clear Politics captured crazy comments from MSNBC host Joy Reid from an October 15 panel discussion at the Brookings Institution, co-hosted by the leftist Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) as they released an “American Values” survey.

Reid started by trashing the Electoral College. “We have a system in this country, based on the slavery period, in which the American people do not elect the president, the Electoral College elects the president.” Like many leftists, she thinks the popular vote alone should count. It continued: 

We know if Kamala Harris wins by 3 million votes and yet does not become president, she will concede. That’s a no-brainer. We also know that if Donald Trump does not win the election, he will not concede. He will proceed to try to bring us to civil war, try to drag the election through the courts, and have…

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