Red state

Trump’s Approval Ratings Beating Biden, Majority Thinks Biden Should Withdraw – RedState

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll released Sunday presented some results that should have the Trump campaign feeling pretty optimistic; Donald Trump, in this poll, still only shows a 40 percent approval rating; but that’s set against Joe Biden’s 32 percent. This survey polled 1,141 adults from the “American general population.”

The Hill had this to say:

ABC News reported this is Trump’s highest favorability rating in most of the last four years, which typically saw the rating between the low to mid 30 percent range. 

Biden’s numbers were slightly worse, with 32 percent of Americans stating they have a favorable view of the president and 55 percent who said they have an unfavorable view. Nine percent said they don’t have an opinion and 4 percent said they did not know. 

As for Biden’s reelection prospects, 61 percent of Americans said he should end his 2024 campaign and have the…

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