Hot Air

Trump’s Hoisting AP By Its Own Petard – HotAir

So says Matt Taibbi, who scoffs — as I did yesterday — at the idea that the White House owes the Associated Press a seat on Air Force One or in the briefing room. Jim Acosta wants a media boycott over the “unconstitutional restrictions” Donald Trump placed on the AP over the Gulf of Mexico spat. I responded as what my pal Adam Baldwin calls a ‘ritual benediction‘ of sorts before getting to the meat of the matter:

Is the Gulf of America née Mexico fight with the AP petty? Yes. Is it provocative? Sure. Is it stupid? I wouldn’t go that far, but of all the issues on my priority list, the “Gulf of America” ranks around 14,383rd, its estimated top depth. (That’s from the Encyclopedia Brittanica, which wisely uses both names in its listing. Maybe they can take the AP seat on the plane!) 

That misses the point, Taibbi argued in an excellent essay earlier today….

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