Hot Air

Turn Out The Lights, Gavin’s Party’s Over – HotAir

If only Dandy Don Meredith were alive to sing the chorus…

I’m sure within the ego of California Governor Gavin Newsom, as vast as the acreage of the L.A. basin that’s burned, he thinks he’s handling this crisis just fine, and that no one will remember this unpleasantness witnessed over the last week. I’m sure he believes his presidential ambitions, unlike so many historic homes, restaurants, museums, and other buildings, still stand. 

It’s over. Yesterday, there was one exchange Newsom had with a mom overcome with grief. She had lost her home. Her daughter lost her school. She lost everything and was apoplectic, as most Angelinos are, at the horrific response of federal, state, and local government that not only exacerbated the conditions making the fires possible in the first place, but compounding the efforts to put them out by sheer incompetence. 

Just like a gut wound…

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