News Busters

Two GOP Senators Echo MRC Call for Big Tech to Not Repeat 2020

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) strongly cautioned their colleagues in the Senate and witnesses from Big Tech against continuing past censorship of Americans in the name of combatting so-called foreign mis-, dis- and mal-information. 

The Senate Intelligence Committee held a Sept. 18 hearing on “Foreign Threats to Elections in 2024” featuring President of Global Affairs for Google and Alphabet Kent Walker, Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg and Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith. During the hearing, Sen. Rubio and Sen. Cotton both emphasized serious past abuses committed by Big Tech platforms allegedly in the name of fighting Russian disinformation.

On Aug. 9, the MRC-led Free Speech Alliance put Big Tech on notice, calling on Big Tech executives to affirm their commitment to not censor Americans’ speech in the…

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