Red state

Two IDF Troops Will Serve 20 Days for … Hot-Dogging It on Shabbat – RedState

When I was a young fellow studying biology at the University of Northern Iowa (yes, that’s a real school), I took Genetics 1 and 2 from a young prof we all liked, who asked to be called “Dr. Bob.” Despite professing (hah) a fondness for grilled frankfurters, he nevertheless cautioned us about the content and manufacturing processes of that favorite cookout staple. He called them “Death Missiles” despite cooking and eating them regularly because, as he correctly pointed out, “They are delicious!”

There’s a problem, though, if one happens to be an observant Jew who keeps kosher; most frankfurters are made from pork. While not Jewish myself, my favorite hot dogs are the Hebrew National beef dogs, which are amazing; I can’t recommend them enough, kosher or not.

Two soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF,) however, were obviously not cooking kosher Hebrew National dogs in an IDF…

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