Red state

Two Kansas Linemen Rescue Frozen-Down Mother Cat, Kitten – RedState

When we’re dealing with unseasonable winter weather, like most of the nation is today, we tend to focus on our own needs. We make sure our cars and trucks have good tires, that we aren’t going out on the roads unless necessary, that we dress for the weather, and so on. That’s as it should be — but at times, we forget that the wildlife that shares our living space can suffer in bad weather, too.

Case in point: On Sunday, while helping to clean up power lines and restore electricity to the area around Norton, Kansas, some power company workers came upon a surprise. The linemen, neither of whom was Glen Campbell, found a mother bobcat and her kitten frozen to the top of a power pole.

A lineman and his crew were in for a surprise on Sunday, aside from the severe winter weather that hit the state.

JaLynn Colip Urban says her husband, Dominic Urban, works as a…

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