Red state

Two Months on, Leftists Are Still Scratching Their Heads Over Why Donald Trump Is POTUS 47, and I Love It – RedState

The United States of America this July will celebrate its 249th birthday, which, if you take a moment and think about that, is a pretty big deal and a miraculous event given our history. That history includes some not-stellar moments on many different topics and events, and we have had various and tough discussions on them.

The one thing that truly stood out about this nation from its founding is the principle of being able to freely criticize our government and those who lead the government (and, by extension, people who serve in the capacity to make things operate as smoothly as possible). 

That also extends to the process of electing people and examining why it happened and how it happened.

The post-election and inauguration brainstorming for the progressives is one of the things I love to read, observe, and ponder. In the 60-some-odd days since Trump…

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