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Two Navy SEALs Go Missing During Operation Off Coast Of Somalia

Two U.S. Navy SEALs went missing late this week during a mission in the waters off the coast of Somalia, U.S. officials said.

The SEALs were conducting a nighttime interdiction mission on Thursday where they were climbing up onto a vessel when one got knocked off by powerful ocean waves, the Associated Press reported. Following protocol, the next Navy SEAL up jumped into the water to help rescue him.

A search and rescue operation is underway for both SEALs in the warm waters of the Gulf of Aden, the report said, noting that the U.S. Navy has increased activity in the area to stop weapons from being shipped to Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen.

U.S. Central Command would not confirm details about the two individuals who were missing, other than identifying them as “sailors” who were “were forward-deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet (C5F) area of operations supporting a wide…

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