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UC Prexy Says No to Legal Pathway for Illegals for Campus Jobs

The University of California Regents delayed a plan that would have allowed illegal immigrant students to have jobs on campus, Politico reported.

The UC Regents voted on Thursday to put the plan on hold for at least a year, according to Politico. The Department of Homeland Security previously pressed UC officials to reconsider the plan, which it saw as a violation of federal law.


“We concluded that the proposed legal pathway is not viable at this time, and in fact carries significant risks for the institution and for those we serve,” UC President Michael Drake told Politico. “For that reason, it is inadvisable for the university to initiate implementation right now.”

There are an estimated 4,000 undocumented students enrolled in the UC system who will be unable to obtain campus jobs and paid fellowships, according to Politico. The students are among…

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