Daily wire

UK Bans ‘Influencing’ Within 150 Meters Of Abortion Clinics

In a move designed to keep pro-life activists from influencing women about having an abortion, Great Britain’s UK Home Office announced it would enforce a ban on “influencing” anyone within 150 meters of an abortion facility.

The Home Office stated on Tuesday that anyone breaking the law would face an unlimited fine. The Home Office stated, “Safe access buffer zones will make it illegal for anyone to do anything that intentionally or recklessly influences someone’s decision to use abortion services, obstructs them, or causes harassment or distress to someone using or working at these premises. The law will apply within a 150 metre radius of the abortion service provider.” 

“Good law should be clear, consistent and predictable but the buffer zones legislation set to be enacted is vague and broadly drafted,” Jeremiah Igunnubole, Legal Counsel for ADF UK stated. “By…

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