Damn, if it doesn’t seem as if I’m crackin’ on the United Kingdom practically every other day, if not sometimes, at least once a day now.
But, man – are they ever asking for all the scorn and horrified opprobrium my American freedom-saturated fingers can heap on them.
Ever since Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party won the elections at the start of last summer, I’ve watched as these progressive reformers stripped away the kinder, gentler masks they wore being the opposition party to reveal the authoritarians who’d been snarling for release underneath.
The murders of young girls by a deranged second-generation teen from an unassimilated immigrant family. A ‘youth’ with terrorist leanings and homicidal tendencies and their purposeful obfuscation in the aftermath fueling British citizen protests gave Starmer’s government the opening they needed. ‘Right-wing…