Hot Air

ULA Vulcan Made It to Space, But SOMETHING Went Terribly Wrong – HotAir

I can’t decide whether this was a testament to the robust build of the Vulcan Centaur rocket or whether we just watched a minor miracle happen. 

The ULA Vulcan Centaur is the future of United Launch Alliance’s program, and they are depending on it to keep their access to space alive. 

It many ways it is an impressive rocket, and it fills a niche that SpaceX doesn’t, at least not yet, and it provides an alternative to SpaceX’s Falcon rocket for the Department of Defense and a few other customers. It is intended to replace the Atlas V and Delta IV launchers, which have been reliable performers for years. 

Due to limitations on the Russian rocket engines which have been workhorses, the Centaur uses Blue Origin replacements. 

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