A scalpel doesn’t know the race of the patient it’s penetrating; nonetheless, modern medicine devoid of racial ideology just won’t cut it.
Per its online information, University of Washington Medicine “is one of the top-rated academic medical systems in the world. With a mission to improve the health of the public, UW Medicine educates the next generation of physicians and scientists, leads one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive biomedical research programs, and provides outstanding care to patients from across the globe.”
To ensure it’s keeping up with the times, the program boasts a club called “WAG.” The dogmatic alliance aims to hound racism — the Caucasian kind. UWMedicine.org lays it out:
White Antiracism Group (WAG)
WAG originated as part of a series of caucuses in response to the killing of George Floyd in Summer, 2020, in which UW Medicine’s colleagues came…