News Busters

Univision’s Jorge Ramos Blames Hispanic Shift To GOP On…Immigration???

It took the readers of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos´ latest opinion column 17 paragraphs of nonsensical fluff to confirm the degree of the veteran journalist´s disconnection from the very demographic he addresses and interacts with on a daily basis: According to Ramos, the reason Hispanics have shifted away from the Democratic Party is because Biden (and Obama) failed to legalize 10 million illegal migrants. 

Ramos first floated this theory in his 10/30 interview of U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto…



JORGE RAMOS: I want to ask you about how the Latino vote has been changing. According to polls, it seems to be shifting towards the Republican Party. I wonder if this has anything to do with a reaction to so many promises of immigration reform made by Democrats which have gone unfulfilled for over 10 years.

And then in an opinion column titled, The cost of promising too much and not delivering:

The immigration issue is very present among Hispanics, something very close to their hearts. We are all immigrants, or know someone who is. And since Democrats have promised so much for such a long time, on an issue so important and significant, and have not fulfilled their promises, the patience of Hispanics is running out and they want urgent results. It’s possible that many will vote for the other party.

Wait, what? How can Hispanics fed up with “O-Biden´s” failure to legalize 10 million undocumented migrants be the reason for those same Hispanics to vote for “the other party” that opposes legalizing 10 million undocumented migrants AND open borders? On what planet does that make sense?

After a lengthy intro about politicians’ unkept promises, the editorial mentions a general poll showing that “the Democrats will lose control of the House of Representatives and perhaps the Senate as well.” The poll from, in the words of Ramos “the trusted”, does not include data pertaining to Hispanics, a questionable reference given the numerous polls aired over Univision News concluding that a majority of Hispanics favor Democrats. 

But as Univision’s Special Editorial Advisor to the CEO sees it:

If that happens (Republicans winning the House of Representatives and the Senate), forget about an immigration reform to legalize the more than 10 million undocumented migrants in the United States. Republicans are not ready to move unless border security is guaranteed. And that is impossible. The border between Mexico and the United States is porous because of history and nature. It will never be impenetrable. Neither walls, deserts, a grand river or thousands of border patrol agents can stop someone looking for a better future on the other side. And you have the Cuban and Venezuelan refugees to prove it.

The border is, indeed, porous because of history and nature. It will never be impenetrable, true. But controlling the current and unprecedented crisis going on thanks to the disastrous handling by Biden and his administration, the violence, human and drug trafficking, deaths, murders, kidnapping, rapes… that is possible Mr. Ramos, and your audience – and Latino voters- know it. 

To close the opinion piece, Ramos laments: “We will soon know, in the coming elections, whether the Hispanic vote’s shift toward the Republican party remains or is uniquely a Trump phenomenon. But what is already clear is that to promise a lot and not deliver is not the best way to win votes. Everyone eventually gets tired. He who promises much gives little.”

Noted for the record. Let’s see which other excuses join the “unkept promises regarding immigration” in Ramos´ next opinion pieces. 






It took the readers of Univision anchor Jorge Ramos´ latest opinion column 17 paragraphs of nonsensical fluff to confirm the degree of the veteran journalist´s disconnection from the very demographic he addresses and interacts with on a daily basis: According to Ramos, the reason Hispanics have shifted away from the Democratic Party is because Biden (and Obama) failed to legalize 10 million illegal migrants. 

Ramos first floated this theory in his 10/30 interview of U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto…



JORGE RAMOS: I want to ask you about how the Latino vote has been changing. According to polls, it seems to be shifting towards the Republican Party. I wonder if this has anything to do with a reaction to so many promises of immigration reform made by Democrats which have gone unfulfilled for over 10 years.

And then in an opinion column titled, The cost of promising too much and not delivering:

The immigration issue is very present among Hispanics, something very close to their hearts. We are all immigrants, or know someone who is. And since Democrats have promised so much for such a long time, on an issue so important and significant, and have not fulfilled their promises, the patience of Hispanics is running out and they want urgent results. It’s possible that many will vote for the other party.

Wait, what? How can Hispanics fed up with “O-Biden´s” failure to legalize 10 million undocumented migrants be the reason for those same Hispanics to vote for “the other party” that opposes legalizing 10 million undocumented migrants AND open borders? On what planet does that make sense?

After a lengthy intro about politicians’ unkept promises, the editorial mentions a general poll showing that “the Democrats will lose control of the House of Representatives and perhaps the Senate as well.” The poll from, in the words of Ramos “the trusted”, does not include data pertaining to Hispanics, a questionable reference given the numerous polls aired over Univision News concluding that a majority of Hispanics favor Democrats. 

But as Univision’s Special Editorial Advisor to the CEO sees it:

If that happens (Republicans winning the House of Representatives and the Senate), forget about an immigration reform to legalize the more than 10 million undocumented migrants in the United States. Republicans are not ready to move unless border security is guaranteed. And that is impossible. The border between Mexico and the United States is porous because of history and nature. It will never be impenetrable. Neither walls, deserts, a grand river or thousands of border patrol agents can stop someone looking for a better future on the other side. And you have the Cuban and Venezuelan refugees to prove it.

The border is, indeed, porous because of history and nature. It will never be impenetrable, true. But controlling the current and unprecedented crisis going on thanks to the disastrous handling by Biden and his administration, the violence, human and drug trafficking, deaths, murders, kidnapping, rapes… that is possible Mr. Ramos, and your audience – and Latino voters- know it. 

To close the opinion piece, Ramos laments: “We will soon know, in the coming elections, whether the Hispanic vote’s shift toward the Republican party remains or is uniquely a Trump phenomenon. But what is already clear is that to promise a lot and not deliver is not the best way to win votes. Everyone eventually gets tired. He who promises much gives little.”

Noted for the record. Let’s see which other excuses join the “unkept promises regarding immigration” in Ramos´ next opinion pieces. 






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