Hot Air

Unseen Middle-Class Black Voters Move Right – HotAir

        Barbara Clark is the perfect example of a voter, whether Black, white, Hispanic or from any other ethnic group, who defies stereotypes. This defiance often leads to voters such as her being overlooked as people who could change not just the presidential election but also the majority in the Senate.

        Clark is a Black female who has been a registered Democrat for almost all of her adult life and voted for former President Barack Obama twice.

        “Dear, I didn’t just vote for him,” she said. “I was a community organizer for Barack Obama for the group ACORN.”

        The acronym stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, a 501(c)(4) left-wing voter registration organization that closed its doors in 2010.

        Clark, 67, admitted she did not know politics all that well before getting involved with…

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