Red state

(UPDATED) Here’s Your Next Sign That Joe Biden’s Campaign Is in Big Trouble – RedState

Nobody needs additional proof that Joe Biden’s re-election campaign is in trouble, but… here’s additional proof.

Over the weekend we learned that Biden is down by two points in reliably Democrat New Hampshire, which has a whopping four electoral votes, and the campaign is worried enough that they’re sending a surrogate to the state to campaign for Biden right after the 4th of July holiday.

That surrogate? The man many Democrats swoon over and see as either a potential replacement for Biden or their 2028 contender, California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Newsom attended last week’s debate as an official campaign surrogate and vehemently denies that he has an ulterior motive in his defense of Joe Biden and calls to keep him on the ballot. That strategy has kept him in the Biden family’s good graces as they circle the wagons. And now, after that poll revealed an unanticipated weak…

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