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US Army to Get New, High-Tech Artillery – RedState

There’s a reason the Field Artillery is called “The King of Battle.” Since the Great War, artillery has been the number one casualty-inflictor in warfare. A single honest old 155mm projectile landing anywhere nearby has the potential to ruin one’s whole day, and if it’s really close, one might discover one’s self starting a new career as a fine pink mist.

Now the US Army Field Artillery, the “cannon cockers” (no, that’s not what the term means; “cocker” is an old term from when artillery pieces had locks, like a musket, and required “cocking” before firing) are going to be getting some new high-tech toys.

The United States military has selected London-headquartered aerospace and defense security company BAE Systems to develop the prototype of a new 155 mm anti-aircraft artillery system equipped with hypersonic projectiles.

The system, named the Multi-Domain…

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