Hot Air

US Soldier Who Deserted to North Korea Released After Guilty Plea – HotAir

You may recall that story from last year of Travis King, the US soldier who deserted his unit while stationed in South Korea and fled across the border to North Korea. There, he was immediately taken into custody by the North Koreans and detained for questioning. He was later released and allowed to return across the border where he was arrested by the US military and charged with a list of various crimes. Now his story seems to have reached an end that is probably just as unconventional as the rest of his journey. He went to court yesterday and was found guilty on five different charges, but he won’t be spending any additional time behind bars. King was sentenced to time served and will be released to return home. So was this a fair amount of punishment fitting his crimes? (NBC News)

Travis King, the U.S. soldier who ran across the Demilitarized Zone and into North Korea last…

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