Hot Air

Victory for Ukraine — Surrender for Israel – HotAir

Does America have any consistency in its foreign policy? Ever since Hamas started a war with Israel on October 7 — and Hezbollah joined it with missile attacks on October 8 — the Biden-Harris administration has focused entirely on forcing Israel into a cease-fire. But their love of cease-fires as a strategic approach is very particular, let us say. 

Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris offer what Mollie Hemingway and Adam Baldwin call a ‘ritual benediction’ by claiming to support Israel’s right to defend itself. Then they publicly demand that Benjamin Netanyahu keep making concessions to terrorists to freeze an existential conflict in place — a freeze that helps the terrorists regroup. In the case of Hamas, Biden and Harris keep demanding concessions even after Israel offers them, only to have Hamas change their demands.

The White House had a snit yesterday when Netanyahu refused to…

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