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Virginia codifies parental rights over child gender “transition”

Under the leadership of Glenn Younkin, Virginia continues to act more and more like a red state, despite its recent reputation as a toss-up. The most recent example of this trend comes with the state’s Department of Education backing parental rights in the state’s public schools. Under a recently enacted policy, schools will be prohibited from recognizing a child’s request to use a different name or pronoun as part of a “gender transition” unless the child’s parent or guardian provides written consent for the change. The policy doesn’t go so far as to forbid such gender-bending accommodations but keeps the parents involved in what may be an alarming mental health situation for their child. The new policy further stipulates that children must use the bathrooms and other facilities appropriate for their actual gender and bans cross-sex participation in school athletic programs. Leftists in Virginia are, of course, up in arms.Read More 

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