The Left makes progress as long as it can obscure the horrors the ideology imposes on people.
Talk to most liberals, and they blithely accept the assurances that Leftists make about how following their policies will make the world nicer, more equal, and more just.
Those of us who see through the deceptions of the Left can find this naivete occasionally infuriating and always frustrating because it seems obvious to us that the Left’s promises are false. But there it is. Liberals want to believe that there are no trade-offs, that utopia is possible, and that when people promise all good things, they really mean it.
Silly, I know, but they are like Charlie Brown trusting Lucy with the football. They never learn.
There are critical moments, though, when the mask comes off and the demonic nature of the Left is visible for all to see, and the reaction of Leftists to the attacks on…