As a Minnesotan I have known about how dangerous Tim Walz is for years. I worked for his opponent in his first gubernatorial campaign so I have seen some of the early opposition research on the man, and let me say that he is a nasty piece of work.
He presents as a working-class “everyman,” and that was his appeal to Harris and got him the Vice Presidential pick. He seems avuncular, down to earth, and is great on the stump.
But that facade is as real as his service in Afghanistan or Iraq, whichever he claims on alternate days.
Walz was treated with kid gloves in the Minnesota media for obvious reasons. Our local press considers it its duty to slander Republicans and elevate Democrats, but even that effort didn’t work so well in the last campaign. Walz is reviled in “greater Minnesota,” which is what we call the rest of the state outside the Minneapolis/St Paul metro area.