Hot Air

Wanna Bet There’s Something Happening? – HotAir

Polls polls everywhere, and not a drop to think …

After a week off in sunny SoCal, it seemed like a good time to take a look at polling in the presidential contest. As it turns out, not much has changed, especially at the national level, although the small changes that have emerged favor Donald Trump. A new NBC News national poll shows Trump in a dead heat with Kamala Harris, a five-point shift in the month since their previous survey. ABC/Ipsos went from Harris +4 in September to +2 last week; CBS went from +4 to +3 Harris. 

Maybe that’s not momentum, or perhaps it could show the start of a preference cascade. That argument looks stronger in the betting markets, where Harris’ prospects have begun to fade — and perhaps rapidly. Since getting anointed as the Democrat nominee, Harris has mainly led in these markets. Even when Trump briefly regained the lead in the RCP aggregation…

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