Red state

Want Clean, ‘Green’ Electricity? New Modular Reactor Project in Tennessee Is the Answer. – RedState

I’m fond of the saying “We solve today’s problems with tomorrow’s technology.” While I’m not one to describe Earth’s ever-changing climate as a problem, the saying still applies to the carbon emissions that climate scolds are constantly hectoring us about. The emission of CO2 into the atmosphere from electrical generation by coal, oil, or natural gas will one day be reduced, but not because of the ear-piercing shrieks of those scolds. It will be reduced by the increasing adoption of cleaner, more efficient, higher energy-density technology.

Solar, wind, and other “renewable” sources are not what I’m talking about. Despite what climate scolds would have us believe, they are not more efficient, they are far less energy-dense, and when you factor in the extraction and production of solar panels and windmills, they aren’t even necessarily cleaner. 


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