Hot Air

WaPo Will Now Defend ‘Personal Liberties and Free Markets’ – HotAir

Looks like Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the only Big Tech bazillionaire to get red-pilled. Maybe.

Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in 2013, and has maintained it as a bastion of establishment-progressive thought ever since. It dutifully approached Trump by fully embracing the L’Homme Orange Mal narrative, so much so that it changed its website to claim that “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” They won a Pulitzer for advancing what turned out to be a hoax (Russia collusion), and buried a story that turned out to be true (Hunter Biden’s laptop). Bezos’ paper cheered censorship of “misinformation,” ran tendentious fact-checks on the progressive-establishment’s opponents and critics, and somehow missed the fact that the titular head of that establishment had gone senile and was getting progressively worse, so to speak. They never bothered to ask who was really in charge of the White…

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