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War game analysis: Up to 10,000 Americans could die in a battle for Taiwan

For some reason, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington decided to create a new war game model and play out what a direct American military engagement with China would look like if the United States decided to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion. (As Joe Biden has repeatedly threatened to do before someone was rushed out to “clean up” his comments.) The prediction generated by this new model does not look great for America. They concluded that the losses America would suffer in fending off the Chinese would “break the back of U.S. military power for a generation.” And the death toll just among America’s military would run anywhere from four to ten thousand troops. But the “good news” coming out of CSIS is that we would eventually prevail and the Chinese military would be utterly destroyed as well. As a result, the architect of the study concludes that it would still be “worth the cost.” (NY Sun)Read More 

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  1. Elizabetht says:

    Great mix of humor and insight! For more, visit: READ MORE. What do others think?

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