I had the pleasure and honor, in my one deployment to a combat zone, to have served under one of the U.S. Army’s last warrior generals – “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf. His plan for Desert Storm was simple and effective, a plan that would have warmed the heart of General George Patton; we literally held the Iraqi Army by the nose and kicked them in the rear. The execution of the plan was likewise flawless, at least until the political powers reined us in before the job was done – we went in with a massive force, kicked some and took some, and went home.
The American military has suffered a lot of abuse since then, starting with President Clinton’s “peace dividend” and continuing with President Obama’s purge of the leadership and, most recently, Joe Biden’s push to DEI the military. But that’s changing now; on Saturday, we saw the swearing-in of a new…