News Busters

Washington Post ‘Cannot Abide’ Trump’s Wish for a ‘Compliant News Media’

Two days before Christmas, the Washington Post published a column by one of its own, Post columnist Eugene Robinson, headlined: 

We cannot abide Donald Trump’s wish for a compliant news media

Fight the president-elect’s attack on independent journalism with a pro-truth stance.

In this gem, Robinson begins by saying: 

“Anyone who doubts the incoming Trump administration poses a serious threat to independent journalism has not been paying attention. An attack is already underway — and we journalists must not allow ourselves to be intimidated.”

To which one can only reply with a considerable burst of outright laughter. In fact, Robinson has it completely backwards. 

The Washington Post and its allies in the so-called “mainstream media” are anything but being about “independent journalism.” They are central players in what is much…

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