News Busters

WashPost Hits Musk for Making Employees Work Too Hard, Dismisses Twitter Files

Instead of reporting honestly on the newsworthy revelations of the Twitter Files, The Washington Post continues to take personal shots at the platform’s new CEO Elon Musk.

On Dec. 9, Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary released a “perspective” piece that hit Musk for such absurdities as requiring high work ethic from his employees and laying off workers to cut costs.

“Looking back at 2022 … Elon Musk emerged as the grand marshal of maniacal management,” Singletary wrote in a piece titled, “Here’s why Elon Musk is the worst kind of boss.”

Singletary continued: “Those who remained were told to commit, in writing, to a ‘hardcore’ workplace or quit. ‘This will mean working long hours at high intensity,’ Musk said in an email to employees. Hundreds chose unemployment, refusing to sign a pledge to perform at levels best reserved for robots.”

Meanwhile, when The Post did write something of substance covering the Twitter Files, it attempted to smear the reporters breaking the story. The publication stealth-deleted a description of journalists Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss – who have reported on the Twitter Files – as “conservative,” Fox News reported. Taibbi and Weiss have not identified themselves as conservative, and it appears that The Post had only included the reference initially to discredit the release of the damning Twitter Files. Reporting on these files has shown that Twitter executives, among other things, ignored company policy in censoring both the Hunter Biden laptop story and former President Donald Trump’s account.

The Post tried to downplay information released in the Twitter Files that detailed the company’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The outlet claimed that the files “ignite[d] divisions, but haven’t changed minds.”

After calling Musk her “choice for Bad Boss of the Year,” Singletary said Twitter didn’t respond to her requests for comment, then questioned the morality of Twitter’s employees. “Perhaps the few souls left in the communications department — if it still exists — were taking a much-needed nap,” she wrote.

The piece then called out Musk’s all-staff email that noted he would only accept “exceptional” performance from his employees moving forward.

“What Musk is communicating is that a staffer can never be less than the GOAT (the greatest of all time),” Singletary wrote.

It appears that Singletary left a key part out of her commentary: There is a value in hard work, and bosses value it.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the Executive Editor of the Washington Post at [email protected] and demand that the publication report fairly on Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter.

Instead of reporting honestly on the newsworthy revelations of the Twitter Files, The Washington Post continues to take personal shots at the platform’s new CEO Elon Musk.

On Dec. 9, Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary released a “perspective” piece that hit Musk for such absurdities as requiring high work ethic from his employees and laying off workers to cut costs.

“Looking back at 2022 … Elon Musk emerged as the grand marshal of maniacal management,” Singletary wrote in a piece titled, “Here’s why Elon Musk is the worst kind of boss.”

Singletary continued: “Those who remained were told to commit, in writing, to a ‘hardcore’ workplace or quit. ‘This will mean working long hours at high intensity,’ Musk said in an email to employees. Hundreds chose unemployment, refusing to sign a pledge to perform at levels best reserved for robots.”

Meanwhile, when The Post did write something of substance covering the Twitter Files, it attempted to smear the reporters breaking the story. The publication stealth-deleted a description of journalists Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss – who have reported on the Twitter Files – as “conservative,” Fox News reported. Taibbi and Weiss have not identified themselves as conservative, and it appears that The Post had only included the reference initially to discredit the release of the damning Twitter Files. Reporting on these files has shown that Twitter executives, among other things, ignored company policy in censoring both the Hunter Biden laptop story and former President Donald Trump’s account.

The Post tried to downplay information released in the Twitter Files that detailed the company’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The outlet claimed that the files “ignite[d] divisions, but haven’t changed minds.”

After calling Musk her “choice for Bad Boss of the Year,” Singletary said Twitter didn’t respond to her requests for comment, then questioned the morality of Twitter’s employees. “Perhaps the few souls left in the communications department — if it still exists — were taking a much-needed nap,” she wrote.

The piece then called out Musk’s all-staff email that noted he would only accept “exceptional” performance from his employees moving forward.

“What Musk is communicating is that a staffer can never be less than the GOAT (the greatest of all time),” Singletary wrote.

It appears that Singletary left a key part out of her commentary: There is a value in hard work, and bosses value it.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact the Executive Editor of the Washington Post at [email protected] and demand that the publication report fairly on Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. 

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