News Busters

WashPost’s Sarah Ellison Finds Sinclair TV Is a ‘Political Tool’

Chutzpah can be defined by partisan leftist media outlets decrying conservative media outlets as tremendously biased. The Washington Post can’t abide Sinclair Broadcasting owner David Smith purchasing the Baltimore Sun, which was apparently “nonpartisan” when it was a Democrat rag. Media reporter Sarah Ellison uncorked this thesis: 

Sinclair’s recipe for TV news: Crime, homelessness, illegal drugs

The local news powerhouse, whose chairman recently bought the Baltimore Sun, focuses on fear in broadcasts that often align with Donald Trump’s view of cities

The Post puts the idea of a conservative newspaper under the “Democracy In America” tag — as if conservative media are the opposite of democracy. Ellison summarized her findings: 

Crime, homelessness, illegal drug use, failing schools and other societal ills have long been core elements of local TV…

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