Red state

Watch As Fran Lebowitz Tells Bill Maher She Wants Joe Biden… to Dissolve SCOTUS – RedState

There are a few unshakable rules in political discourse – only a few, but there are some that never seem to be broken. One of these rules is that it is always the left, never the right, that calls for trashing the Constitution when they don’t get their way. This is a fundamental law of the universe, which shall henceforth be known as “Clark’s Law of Leftists Destroying the Village to Save It.”

(I do need to compile a list of all of these laws I’ve been documenting.)

The latest example? As our sister site Twitchy informs us, leftist lunatic Fran Lebowitz, on Bill Maher’s HBO show, “Real Time,” has called for President Biden to – get this – dissolve the Supreme Court. Amy Curtis writes:

But now that Donald Trump has appointed three conservative SCOTUS Justices, tilting the balance of the court rightward, it’s the worst thing ever. They want to pack it, reform it, impose arbitrary…

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