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WATCH: Ben Shapiro Quizzed On History By ‘Kid Explorer’ Broadcast Cal

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro showed off his knowledge of history this week while sitting down with Broadcast Cal, star of the Bentkey original show “Kid Explorer,” who quizzed him on a variety of topics from American presidents to inventions. 

The two discussed the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell, President Abraham Lincoln, and the American Revolution, among other topics from history. 

During their discussion, Cal asked Shapiro what sport Lincoln was known for, prompting Shapiro to answer “wrestling” and give more background on the athletic prowess of the 16th president.

“He would actually challenge dudes to wrestle in the streets. There are a bunch of stories about people confronting him, being like, ‘Let’s throw down right now,’ which is totally not what you think of when you think of Abraham Lincoln,” Shapiro said. 

Shapiro also gave…

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