Christopher Steele of dossier fame was thoroughly dressed down as a “political hack and grifter” during an appearance on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”
Natalie Winters, co-host of “Steve Bannon’s War Room,” had Steele served up by Morgan on a silver platter and just eviscerated him for his efforts to sabotage President Donald Trump.
Steele, in the early part of the segment involving several commentators, made his case that Trump was engaged in a “pro-Russian Ukrainian peace plan.”
Winters lay in wait until Morgan went to her for comment. And, like an agitated bull behind the gate at a bullfight, she came out horns down, full-sprint.
“I know Christopher Steel probably wanted to go down in history as someone that colluded with the Clinton campaign to take down President Donald J. Trump, but I really think that you represent probably the ultimate grifter in the…