Red state

WATCH: Slick Willy Isn’t So Smooth Any More

Good old Slick Willy Clinton. You have to give the guy some credit; he’s still out there trying to make himself relevant. One wonders why we so seldom seem to see him in the company of his wife, Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua, but the reasons for that I will leave as an exercise for you readers. 

One way old Bill is trying to remain relevant is by interjecting his thoughts and opinions into the 2024 presidential election. It’s unclear as to how the Harris campaign thinks the former President Clinton can help, as he is 1) not the man he was thirty years ago and 2) he keeps throwing Kamala Harris under a long progression of buses. At some point, the Harris campaign is going to have to come out shouting, “Bill, please stop helping us!

Former president Bill Clinton said Kamala Harris is “extremely vulnerable” while campaigning for…

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