Hot Air

Watchdog Group Sues Department of Education Over Election-Related Activities – HotAir

When Joe Biden became president he promised that his administration would be the most transparent ever. He has since proven that statement to be a lie. 

Perhaps the Department of Education didn’t get the memo. It has been stonewalling a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for eighteen months. Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed a lawsuit against the Department of Education. The reason is if federal funds and government agencies are being used to further the aims of a political party or campaign, the public should know about it. Those agencies involved should not be withholding records about their activities.

In this case, it is an executive order signed by President Biden that allows federal agencies to participate in voter registration and other election-related activities ahead of the 2024 presidential election. How convenient. I’m sure that all potential voters will…

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