Red state

We Didn’t Think Eric Swalwell Could Be Any Grosser, but He Just Proved Us Wrong – RedState

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) isn’t necessarily known for his intellect or his manners. Not only was he hornswoggled by a putative Chinese spy (Fang Fang) a decade ago (and subsequently denied a spot on the House Intelligence Committee), but there was the unfortunate incident involving an apparent flatulence mishap while giving an on-camera interview. 

Then, just a week ago, Swalwell reportedly was overheard blabbing loudly at a D.C. steakhouse over dinner with lobbyists about cheating on his wife, Capitol Hill orgies, and wanting to subpoena Ivanka Trump to testify (while he still held his spot on the Intel Committee) because she was “[censored] hot.”

New Information Indicates Democrat Eric Swalwell Is Lying About Breaking Ties With Chinese Honeytrap

LOOSE LIPS: Eric Swalwell Discusses Capitol Hill Sex Parties, Ivanka Trump’s Looks During Lobbyist Dinner


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