Hot Air

West Point Drops ‘Duty, Honor, and Country’ From Its Mission Statement – HotAir

I have been pretty hard on clueless Army Secretary Christine Wormuth during the year and a half I’ve been scribbling here. When you see her as the ballerina atop the melting, gooey, sticky sundae that is the current state of the United States Army itself, you realize the decline is thanks to the intrepid leadership of decades of Milleys and Austins in the upper echelons. Wormuth didn’t build the failing base her wokeness happily pirouettes on. She’s just making sure there’s enough syrup running down the sides to thoroughly cover the formerly solid underpinnings an increasingly corporate Army brain trust had already started melting.

A letter from LTG Steve Gilland went out Monday to U.S. Military Academy cadets and supporters. It started out really strong, as one would imagine a note from West Point’s 61st superintendent would. Inspiring even.

Duty, Honor, Country is foundational to…

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