Four years ago, in a nation gripped by a pandemic and locked out of most other social outlets in many areas, the electorate set records for turnout. This time around, will the electorate engage at the same level, or has the urgency disappeared in presidential politics? And who benefits from a lower turnout?
CNN’s Harry Enten takes a look at some data on enthusiasm, so get ready for a couple of surprises. Despite the ramping-up rhetoric about The Descent of Fascism, it turns out that fewer people see this as “the most important election of our lifetimes” than four years ago. The question is where the enthusiasm has drained most, and Enten’s not sure he knows:
ENTEN: Why? You know every single year people say, this is the most important election ever, right? Well, they actually polled this. The most important election of my lifetime. Back in 2020, look at…