Hot Air

What Does the SEC Have to Do With Climate Change? – HotAir

Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a new rule in a 3-2 vote that will force large companies to document and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions. The rule had been in the works for more than a year and had been the subject of intense backlash from businesses and industry groups. If you find yourself wondering what in the Sam Hill the FEC has to do with greenhouse gases or climate science, you’re not alone. But this is the Biden administration that we’re talking about, so the Climate Goddess has to have her bony fingers in every aspect of everyone’s lives. And we’re not just talking about pollution here. Companies will need to analyze all of the energy they use, where that energy comes from, and how it might impact things like rising sea levels. (Washington Examiner)

The Securities and Exchange Commission released its long-anticipated rule requiring large…

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