Hot Air

What EV Slump? Throw Me the Money!!! – HotAir

Sometimes I’ll write about a subject, and then nothing newsworthy happens for weeks, maybe even months. It’ll kinda go dormant until I stumble across a nugget interesting enough to share with you all.

And then sometimes the nuggets pile onto each other, which is what has happened this morning with something I just wrote about yesterday – more evidence that the slowdown in electric vehicle demand, no matter what governments did to either mandate their purchase or sweeten the pot with manufacturing or consumer subsidies, was for reals.

For a government-mandated, bet-the-farm sure thing, our purely electric vehicle future sure has been nothing but an ongoing litany of bad news. I, for one, sure have been fascinated watching –  and documenting – as the whole grifting Green, not-ready-for-prime-time scheme falls apart in real-time.

…Well, shoot. What happened there?

…It noted that it…

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