Red state

What Happens in Glendale Won’t Stay in Glendale – RedState

There are about to be fireworks at the Glendale, CA, City Council meeting this Tuesday night. For almost a year, Glendale residents have been battling the Progressive wing of their city council over a plan to use a projected one-half billion dollars to crisscross city streets with ninety miles of bicycle lanes. This will include nearly 50 miles of traffic lanes, parking spaces, repurposed as colorful, barricaded bike lanes known as class IV protected lanes. These lanes purposely slow traffic and restrict vehicle mobility. The plan is to repurpose streets and parking spaces as bicycle lanes, shrinking roads down to a single lane of traffic. The test case for the city’s plan is the North Brand Boulevard Complete Streets Demonstration Project, a particularly dizzying flamboyant half-mile that was quickly constructed down the middle of one of Glendale’s busiest commercial…

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