Red state

What Kamala Isn’t – and Shouldn’t Be

Ideally, a vice president (even if the job is worth a bucket of warm spit) is an asset to any presidential administration. They are not only the backup to who is arguably the most powerful person on the planet, but they should bring some particular expertise that the president lacks — in foreign policy, in law enforcement, in economics — in something. The veep can be a valuable partner in the administration, helping shoulder some of the burden of one of the most stressful jobs in human history.

Kamala Harris is none of those things. We know why Joe Biden selected her for the role; the combination of melanin content and plumbing was correct, and Kamala Harris honestly has nothing else to recommend her for any job more complex than sweeping floors.

The Biden 2024 reelection campaign sure seems to be keeping a leash on her. Given her past and her well-documented public speaking…

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