Red state

What Parents Everywhere Heard in the Jordan Peterson Interview – RedState

I am a mother whose oldest son turned 16 this past week. I’ve learned that parenthood can humble even the strongest of us, and if there is one thing we begin to recognize universally, it’s the sound of concern in another parent’s voice. 

For just a moment, on Monday, when the interview with Jordan Peterson went viral on X, Elon Musk was not the smartest man alive or a rich billionaire tech king; instead, he was just a parent like me. 

“I was tricked into this.”

In the clip, Elon noticeably talks at a more calculated and slower pace than Peterson. Musk opened up about the loss of his son due to puberty blockers and woke culture, something he felt manipulated into and likens to the experience of the death of a child. “My son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus.”

The pain in his voice was palpable. Peterson’s talkative personality filled the gaps between Musk’s…

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